Kamis, 12 September 2013

- First Post -

This is my first post on this blog. 
I do not know what should I write (cause) I'm not writer, I'm not really interested at write and don't have talent for write. But, future who knows what will happen kkk xD

reason why I made this blog is :

- udah ada niatan sebelumnya (katanya ga suka nulis -_- labil emang)
- eh ada tugas TIK, jadi deh bikin kkkkk xD
yaah gitulah,

I go to Islamic Public Junior High School Pandeglang 1

and I'm in last year of my Junior High School, it means I'm in grade 9. More exactly 9a. 
I have been spend my two years of school life with same classmate and they're tottaly little crazy haha

with just three boys in our class. Their name is Raihan, Rival, and Arif. There is nothing special from their. HAHAHAHA. but, yaa.... however at least they make our classroom more cheerful.

ini waktu kita kelas 8 tapi gada anak cowonya